PCXCom Downloads

PSL Desk Installer Instructions – Windows

Download this document and follow the instructions to install PSLDesk.

PSLDesk Installation Instructions

PSL Desk Package Installer – Windows

Download and run this Windows installer. This includes Adobe Air and the PSL Desk.

PSLDesk Installer

PSL Agent Installer Instructions – Windows

Download this document and follow the instructions to install PSLAgent.

PSLAgent Installation Instructions

PSL Agent Package Installer – Windows

Download and run this Windows installer. This includes Adobe Air and the PSL Agent.

PSLAgent Installer

PSL Installations on MacOS

First step is to download and install the Adobe Air runtime for MacOS by clicking on the button below.

Adobe Air Installer
IMPORTANT:For new Macs, Once downloaded, Press Control KEY and click on the AdobeAIR.dmg to open. This will allow the ‘Open’ option to allow the install.

PSL Agent Installer – MacOS

Download and run this MacOS installer. This is for PSL Agent.

PSLAgent Installer
IMPORTANT:For new Macs, Once downloaded, Press Control KEY and click on the PSLAgent_96.air to open. This will allow the ‘Open’ option to allow the install. Please note that the installer will show up as an UNKNOWN publisher, it is safe to proceed with the install.

PSL Desk Installer – MacOS

Download and run this MacOS installer. This is for PSL Desk.

PSLDesk Installer
IMPORTANT:For new Macs, Once downloaded, Press Control KEY and click on the PSLDesk_94.air to open. This will allow the ‘Open’ option to allow the install. Please note that the installer will show up as an UNKNOWN publisher, it is safe to proceed with the install.


About PCXCom Desktop:

PCXDesktop Applications are developed and require Adobe AIR.
The Adobe AIR runtime enables developers to package the same code into native applications for Windows and Mac OS desktops as well as iOS and Android devices.

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